What If Season 2 Episode 6 Breakdown: It’s Good But…..

What If Season 2 Episode 6 Breakdown: It’s Good But…..

As you have seen in the title, What If Season 2 Episode 6 is good, but I won’t connect with Kahhori and his world. But one thing I need to address is that this is the first original superhero created in the MCU. Yes, there is no connection between any superhero and the MCU world. This superhero won’t exist in comics. If I talk about power, she is powerful enough to stop bullets and run fast, but it’s not impressive. It’s not something big. Let me explain.

In What If Season 2, Episode 6, we follow the completely original superhero Kahhori, a girl from a tribe that existed even before colonization. We discovered how she discovered her powers and how she connected with What If. I mentioned that if Marvel doesn’t use her power well, it will be a total waste. Just because they plan to create the original superhero for only the What If series. Just like I said, I won’t be able to connect with her. If she fails to use her power in the future, it’s going to be a total waste. Frankly speaking, I have too much excitement for this episode. But at some point, I feel they won’t be able to achieve what they want.

What If Season 2 Episode 6 Breakdown

The episode starts so many years before even Tesseract comes to earth. Ragnarok happened at Asgard way before that time, and Asgard was destroyed by Surtur. But Tesseract survived and found his new home on earth. Some time passes after that, and we see the first original superhero by Marvel in What If Season 2 Episode 6: mohawk girl Kahhori and his brother Wáhta go to that lake in the forest. That lake he hunted. There’s a rumor that anyone who goes to that lake vanishes, and no one ever returns. Kahhori wants to see by herself, and there’s nothing dangerous about when they see. They returned to the village, and their village was attacked by Spain’s army.

Some of the soldiers see them and run after them. During that chase, they fall into a cave where the real lake exists, and soldiers are just behind them. One of them shoots Kahhori and takes Wáhta hostage. Kahhori falls into that lake. In that lake, Tesseract sends her to another place and gives her powers. Just don’t ask; I don’t get any reason why she got her powers. The only thing Watcher explains is that when Tesseract comes to earth, he gets a second life and builds it around Kahhori’s ancestors, and anyone who drops into the lake goes into that world. So, basically, what if Season 2, Episode 6, is trying to set up the new superhero origin story

A New World Where Peace Was Made

Now, Kahhori has discovered her power and that place. That place we see in What If Season 2 Episode 6 is called Sky World. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that this episode is not in English; it’s in. I don’t know what kind of language that is. The only watchers and last guests that paper in last are the ones who speak in English. After that, she tries to escape from this world. but she fails, then tries her new powers and learns about her powers. Somehow, she is the most powerful among them. So anyone who comes from Tesseract has the power to control things like telekinesis, jumping, and running. Then, in the real world, the leader of the Spanish army discovered a lake.

They come to the lake, and some soldiers fall into the sky. At the time Kahhori sees them, she stops them with his powers. And tell people to come with her into the real world and help our people. She even drags the portal down and comes into the real world. She tries to stop the army, which takes hostage the whole village. They go on the ship and try to set sail. Kahhori is not able to stop them herself, and then the people of Sky World come to help, and that’s how she saves everyone.

Best Part of What If Season 2 Episode 6

Evil Dr Strange

Now, after defeating the army, Kahhori goes to the queen to make peace. There, she was trying to convince the queen that she didn’t want the throne. Queen, just leave them. But the queen doesn’t listen to her, and Kahhori, with his power, rises to the queen and destroys her throne. Then Evil Dr. Strange comes to take Kahhori with him. He comes and tells her that he has been looking for her for so long. With that episode ending.

What If Episode 1

What If Episode 2

What If Episode 3

What If Episode 4

What If Episode 5

Abhishek Jain

Hello Readers, This is Abhishek Jain. I am the owner of worldofmoviez.com. From 2019 on, I worked as a digital marketer and content writer. Right now, I say that I love writing, and I already know that I love movies and anime. So, that's it. I hope you guys like my content.

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